3dcartConnect – Connect your 3dcart data with Infusionsoft.
You like 3dcart and what it does for your business. It’s fast, secure, and innovative. 3dcart gives you a complete e-commerce storefront solution. Plus, it’s SEO-friendly, it’s got an easy design interface, and built-in social commerce features.
You also like Infusionsoft. You want the marketing automation and CRM prowess Infusionsoft can give your business.
And now, you can integrate both! FuseOmatic’s 3dcartConnect will sync all of your 3dcart orders with Infusionsoft. The orders will appear in Infusionsoft as if the order was made directly with Infusionsoft.
Contacts, products and orders will all be in sync, and you can run actions based on specific products ordered. You can now start your marketing automation and follow up after customers place orders in your 3dcart.
Get 3dcartConnect for just $799 for the first year ($500 setup + $299 annual license). Each year thereafter there is an annual license, hosting, maintenance and update fee of $299/year thereafter.
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